In the United States, newborn male circumcision typically involves the use of three conventional devices. However, none of these devices offer sufficient protection for the baby during the procedure. At our center of excellence, we exclusively utilize the Minimally Invasive AccuCirc® Device, for the following reasons:
Yellen Style Clamp (Gomco)
First described by Dr. Yellen and crafted by Goldstein, the Gomco clamp employs multiple parts in various sizes. However, using incorrect parts can lead to catastrophic complications. With the Gomco clamp, a smaller shield can fit through a larger hole undetected, the mistake is hidden by the foreskin and the clamp will still tighten, potentially endangering the newborn. In this circumstance, the shield passes through the base plate of the clamp and there is no protection for the penis, the scalpel passes under the shield and lacerates the penis.
In contrast, the Minimally Invasive AccuCirc® Device is meticulously engineered to prevent mismatching parts, helping to safeguard both the provider and newborn from harm.
Tourniquet Style (Plastibell)
First described by Dr. Ross, the Plastibell employs a tourniquet to halt blood flow to the foreskin, causing it to die and fall off. Following the procedure, the ring stays in place and is intended to fall off when the skin dies. Yet, complications may arise if the plastic ring becomes stuck due to swelling in the tip of the penis. This swelling can inhibit the flow of urine and blood, potentially leading to dire outcomes such as penile tip death or bladder rupture. The Minimally Invasive AccuCirc® Device devoid of a tourniquet, mitigates these risks.
Bronstein Style Clamp (Mogen)
Dr. Bronstein introduced the Mogen, featuring a hinged clamp without a shield, posing challenges for providers during circumcision to prevent the tip of the penis from being pulled into the clamp. There is no barrier separating the tip of the penis from the foreskin being incised. Ensuring the penile tip remains outside the clamp is crucial to prevent inadvertent amputation during the incision. Even experienced providers may encounter catastrophic complications if the penile tip is pulled into the clamp. The Minimally Invasive AccuCirc® Device, with its protective shield, eliminates this risk.
The following video explains how the Mogen clamp works and the causes behind the complications that continue to occur every year. Please be aware that this video shows graphic pictures of complications that have occurred due to the limitations of the Mogen device.
It is your job to decide.
It is our job to make it safe.
There are many proven medical benefits to male circumcision. Find out more.
The AccuCirc device can prevent these complications. Find out more.